2024-08-292024-08-292002Ψυχολογία, τόμος 9, τευχ. 4, 459-493 (2002)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/1893Interest in physical self-concept stems from its recognition as a valued outcome, its role as a moderator variable, interest in its relation with other constructs, andconcerns with methodological and measurement issues. My purpose is to provide an overview of my physical self-concept research and the construct validation approach that has guided it: the construction of a multidimensional physical self-concept instrument based on theory and research, its psychometric evaluation (reliability and confirmatory factor analysis), tests of convergent and divergent validity, validation in relation to external criteria, and application to substantive research issues and practice.35 σ.engΦυσική κατάστασηPhysical fitnessΑυτοαντίληψηSelf-conceptA multidimensional physical self-concept:A construct validity approach to theory, measurementand researchάρθρο