2024-08-292024-08-291997Ψυχολογία (τόμος 4) (τεύχ. 2) 106-117 (1997)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/1473The term ‘mind’ for most of the people is synonymous to cognition. ABSTRACT Neuropsychological work has adopted this definition, and the studies of brain andmind have focused on the interrelations between neural activity and performance on cognitive tasks. However, ‘psyche’ consists of cognition, affect, and volition.12 σ.elΓνωστική νευροεπιστήμηCognitive neuroscienceΨυχολογία -- ΈρευναPsychology -- ResearchBrain and mind: The case of subjective experienceάρθρο