Pickersgill, Mary J.2024-08-292024-08-292003Ψυχολογία, τόμος 10, τευχ. 1, 65-81 (2003)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/1960The study examined levels of self-reported fears in two groups sharing a Greek cultural heritage, i.e., native Greeks and Pontian Greeks who had made their way to Greece since perestroika, to determine whether the group emigrating into Greece was more vulnerable than the native born Greeks to specific fears or types of fears.17 σ.engΦόβοςFearΜετανάστες -- ΕλλάδαImmigrants -- GreeceTypes of fears reported by immigrant Pontian Greeks from the former Soviet Union and by native Greeksάρθρο