2024-08-292024-08-292004Ψυχολογία (τόμος 11) (τεύχ. 3) 373-387 (2004)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/2057Drawing from the work of Abric (1993, 1996) and Moscovici (1982, 1988) on representations, as well as on the work of Mosston and Ashworth (2002) onteaching styles, a questionnaire was developed to measure physical education teachers’ representations in terms of instructional structure.15 σ.enΔάσκαλοι -- ΕλλάδαTeachers -- GreeceΦυσική αγωγή και εκπαίδευσηPhysical education and trainingDevelopment of a questionnaire to measure physical education teachers’ representations on instructionάρθρο