2024-08-292024-08-292003Ψυχολογία, τόμος 10, τευχ. 2-3, 279-294 (2003)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/2038This article presents a historical account of the development of the professional identity of Counselling Psychology. Through the historical account of thedevelopment of the discipline, the milestones of the identity development are outlined. The scientific and social forces that have influenced its course are described and analyzed. Eight major periods are outlined and the important developments scientific and social developments in each of them are followed and provide a sketch of the discipline of Counselling Psychology. The manner in which Counselling Psychology developed its identity is traced back to its beginnings and the major theoretical and foundational philosophical axioms are described.16 σ.elΣυμβουλευτικήCounselingΨυχολογίαPsychologyΤαυτότητα (Ψυχολογία)Identity (Psychology)A historical approach to the identity development of counselling psychologyάρθρο