Riemann, RainerAngleitner, AloisSpinath, Frank M.2024-08-292024-08-292002Ψυχολογία, τόμος 9, τευχ. 2, 212-225 (2002)https://beta-pandemos.panteion.gr/handle/123456789/1847Behavior-genetic research on the sources of individual differences in personality relies on self-report data almost exclusively. As indices of inter-judge agreementyield the most adequate reliability estimates in behavior-genetic research on personality, and inter-judge agreement can not be estimated from self-report data alone, behavior-genetic self-report studies do not allow for adequate reliability estimates. Therefore, the reliability problem is usually ignored and the total variance is treated as true-score variance, resulting in underestimates of genetic and shared environmental and in overestimates of nonshared environmental influence.14 σ.engΑνθρώπινη γενετικήHuman geneticsΑνθρώπινη συμπεριφοράHuman behaviorΠροσωπικότητα, Αξιολόγηση τηςPersonality assessmentAssessment issues in behavior-genetic research on personalityάρθρο