Miliosis, DimitriosKosmidou, EydoxiaTsiglis, Nikolaos2024-08-292024-08-292002Ψυχολογία, τόμος 9, τευχ. 4, 494-513 (2002) multidimensional structure of goal orientations is presented. Four levels of generality are proposed, that is, goal orientations operate at the global higherorder level (life in general), global lower-order level (human action domain irrespective of life context), contextual level (life domain), and situational level of generality.20 σ.engΦυσική αγωγή και εκπαίδευσηPhysical education and trainingMultidimensional structure of goal orientations:The importance of adopting a personal developmentάρθρο